




picture credited to gellyroll.tumblr.com

lose weight
aha.. mission impossible

muz of daily life

what to wear
not dat irritate yet

hate homework
ordinary thinking

then juz eat

they din text back
keep calm n wait

i want clothes
clothes r never enough 

i really hate
those antipathy one's

working tmr
what to do.. juz work

b as pretty as..
self satisfaction is enough

do my hair
hair r big deal.. spent it

well.. of course
not only these
wan better things in life
try everything

spent a FAB night
wif le faboo HARLEM SHAKE

corno terrorista

video credited to Zachary Khoo..le =] boy

not expecting we will do this
bt we did it
: )

since le times 
whn im quite addicted to it
i juz imagine im one of it
n its extremely fun
: )

imagine is beautiful
bt whn u step forward to do it
dat juz cant b oni beautiful
dats wonderful.

so now
ur turn
r u ready to do your harlem shake??

photo credited to Sean Ang..le swaggie zixian

-end wif smile-